Résultats de recherche du catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Critères de recherche


  • Recherches policières canadienne


"Royal Canadian Mounted Police."

Titre Source Année
Public interest investigation into RCMP member conduct related to the 2010 G8 and G20 Summits : final report.
  • Document du gouvernement
RCMP in Saskatchewan : year in review.
  • Service de police
RCMP use of the Conducted Energy Weapon : January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 : special report.
  • Document du gouvernement
Report following a Chair-initiated complaint and public interest investigation into the in-custody death of Clay Willey.
  • Document du gouvernement
Report following a public interest investigation into an incident occuring in the Kamloops, British Columbia, cells : Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, Subsections 45.37(1) and 45.43(1).
  • Document du gouvernement
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act [electronic resource] : R.S.C., 1985, c. R-10 = Loi sur la Gendarmerie royale du Canada : L.R.C., 1985, ch. R-10.
  • Service de police
  • Document du gouvernement
An analysis of complaints against the RCMP in British Columbia : a 15-year review : 1994-2008 / Darryl Plecas, Jennifer Armstrong, Lisa Tassone, Irwin M. Cohen, and Amanda V. McCormick.
  • Recherche académique
An analysis of complaints against the RCMP in British Columbia [electronic resource] : a 15 year review: 1994-2008 / Darryl Plecas ... [et al.].
  • Recherche académique
An analysis of police officer vehicle time : the case of Surrey RCMP officers / Darryl Plecas, Amanda V. McCormick, and Irwin M. Cohen.
  • Recherche académique
Audit of selected RCMP operational databases : audit report of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada : section 37 of the Privacy Act : final report.
  • Document du gouvernement
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