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"Mentally ill - United States."

Titre Ressource Année Collection
The impact of critical incident team training on arrest and diversion rates / Richard Wayne Foss. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
Responding to persons with mental illness and/or emotional distress : an evaluation of the Prince William County Police Department Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program / Frank Straub, Melissa Reuland, Blake Norton, Ben Gorban. Livres électroniques 2018 CCRP
Mental illness and the criminal justice system : a review of global perspectives and promising practices / Amanda Butler. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
Training law enforcement in mental health : a broad-based model / by Rachael Elaine Hatfield. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
Statewide law enforcement/mental health efforts : strategies to support and sustain local initiatives / Melissa Reuland, Laura Draper, Blake Norton. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
Building safer communities : improving police response to persons with mental illness : recommendations from the IACP National Policy Summit. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
Improving responses to people with mental illnesses : tailoring law enforcement initiatives to individual jurisdictions / Melissa Reuland, Laura Draper, Blake Norton. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
Responding to a high-profile tragic incident involving a person with a serious mental illness : a toolkit for state mental health commissioners. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
Law enforcement responses to people with mental illnesses: a guide to research-informed policy and practice / Melissa Reuland, Matthew Schwarzfeld, Laura Draper. Livres électroniques 2009 CCRP
Improving responses to people with mental illnesses : the essential elements of a specialized law enforcement–based program / Matt Schwarzfeld, Melissa Reuland, Martha Plotkin. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
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