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"Racial profiling in law enforcement - Ontario - Toronto."

Titre Ressource Année Collection
"Known to the police" : a black male reflection on police violence in Toronto / Bador Alagraa. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
This issue has been with us for ages : a community-based assessment of police contact carding in 31 division : final report / LogicalOutcomes. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
The police and community engagement review (the PACER report) : phase II - internal report and recommendations. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
The police and community engagement review report. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
The police and racial profiling : review of the literature, an assessment of the Star analysis of the CIPS data, and a selected re-analysis of the Star data / Curt Taylor Griffiths, Ph.D. Livres électroniques 2003 CCRP
Report of the Board/Service Race Relations Joint Working Group. Livres électroniques 2003 CCRP
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