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"Wearable video devices in police work - United States."

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Body-worn cameras : what the evidence tells us / by Brett Chapman. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
Body-worn cameras in law enforcement agencies, 2016 / Shelley S. Hyland. Livres électroniques 2018 CCRP
Body worn cameras and the courts : a national survey of state prosecutors / by Linda Merola, Cynthia Lum, Christopher S. Koper and Amber Scherer. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
Body-worn cameras, procedural justice, and police legitimacy / by Xochitl Escutia. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
Police body worn cameras : a policy scorecard. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
The rise of body-worn camera programs in Canada and the United States : an extension of the surveillant assemblage / by Thomas Bud. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
Existing and ongoing body worn camera research : knowledge gaps and opportunities : a research agenda for the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (phase I report) / Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, Linda Merola, Amber Scherer, Amanda Reioux. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
Interim report of the President's task force on 21st century policing. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
Is seeing believing? : public perception on the use of body worn video by police / Elizabeth Schultheis, Holly Ellingwood, & Craig Bennell. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
Watching the watchmen : best practices for police body cameras / by Matthew Feeney. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
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