Index of Policing Initiatives - Search Results

major case management (3)

Major Case Management System

To enhance information management for investigations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) ‘B’ Division adopted the RCMP’s Evidence and Reports III (E&RIII) electronic case management software to...

Pillars: Efficiencies within the Justice System
Province: Newfoundland and Labrador
Keywords: electronic disclosure, information management, software, major case management, court documents

Major Case Management: Integrating Practice & Technology Software: X-FIRE—Agnovi Corporation

Core policing duties, such as the investigation of both small- and large-scale crime, consume significant resources. To improve efficiency and keep pace with current standards for case management...

Pillars: Efficiencies within Police Services
Province: Manitoba
Keywords: technology, major case management

The Ontario Major Case Management System

Ontario is the first province to implement standardized investigative practices and supporting technology for major case investigations. In 1997, the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and...

Pillars: Efficiencies within Police Services, New Models of Community Safety, Efficiencies within the Justice System
Province: Ontario
Keywords: major case management, serial crime, software, technology, multidisciplinary
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