Intimate Partner Violence Police Officer Train-the-Trainer Program (Synopsis)

Fredericton Police Force

Description: Police officers need a unique set of skills and competencies to intervene effectively and successfully in incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV). In 2006, the Fredericton Police Force entered into an innovative partnership with the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC) to design, pilot and implement an intimate partner violence police officer train-the-trainer program.

The five-module train-the-trainer program is entitled “Understanding the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence: Helping Police Officers to Better Intervene.” It includes many unique components, including attention to diversity and culture. It also discusses the impact of intimate partner violence on police officers as victims or potential abusers. The train-the-trainer program certifies police officers to deliver training to others in their agencies. After receiving instructor training, four officers from the Fredericton Police Force provided training service-wide in 2007. New recruits to the Force receive training on IPV issues during their on-the-job orientation.
Objective: The main objectives of this initiative are to improve police response and intervention, improve officer safety practices and fully educate officers on the complexities of IPV. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce the number of incidents of intimate partner violence.
Outcomes: Approximately 90 members of the Fredericton Police Force have received this training and now have a new set of skills and competencies. Feedback from the Fredericton Police Force has been very positive to date. As a result of this training program, officers are better prepared when encountering IPV situations. The program is making a significant difference in the lives of people affected by IPV and has been adopted by other police agencies. It is available online through the University of New Brunswick College of Extended Learning. The program has been used as a model for other agencies involved in social services.
Resources: The MMFC funded the program’s development and the train-the-trainer sessions. The Fredericton Police Force contributed its members’ time to help develop the program and to participate in training.
Province: New Brunswick
Record Entry Date: 2013-08-01
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