Online Criminal Record Checks (Synopsis)

Winnipeg Police Service

Description: The Winnipeg Police Service established an online criminal record check initiative in October 2011 to allow citizens to submit criminal record checks applications electronically online. Online criminal record checks are significantly faster and more efficient than the in-person service (which remains available as an option). The application is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for those with Internet access. Civilian employees process the online request, and applicants are advised electronically when their criminal record check is complete. The new online criminal record check process was promoted through outreach to churches, sports clubs and employers who require criminal record checks of their employees.
Objective: The online criminal record checks initiative seeks to maximize the use of technology and save costs in human resources.
Outcomes: Online criminal record check applications are processed approximately four times faster than in-person applications, significantly reducing overtime costs and reducing the backlog of criminal record checks to be processed. Fewer applicants are using the in-person service, reducing the need for civilian employees. An evaluation of this initiative has not yet been completed.
Resources: The police service used existing resources to research different software options and set up the program. The software is maintained on a cost-recovery basis, with applicants paying a fee of $5.25 for each application submitted online.
Province: Manitoba
Record Entry Date: 2013-08-01
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