Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

The factors that shape organized crime / by Carlo Morselli and Thomas Gabor and John Kiedrowski.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Les facteurs qui façonnent le crime organisé.




Includes bibliographical references: p. 75-81.


81 p. ; 28 cm.


"Prepared for Research and National Coordination, Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policy Branch, Public Safety Canada."
Issued also in French under title: Les facteurs qui façonnent le crime organisé.
"Report no. 07-2010"
Authors affiliated with: Compliance Strategy Group.
Available also in electronic format.


"The report assesses a number of individual, group/organization, and environmental level variables that may influence how individuals or groups structure their criminal operations in a variety of criminal market and legitimate settings. In as much as possible, we categorize such factors along individual, group, and environmental levels of measurement. In many cases, however, a factor transcends more than one level of analysis, forcing us to address the issue more broadly."-- P. 4.


Accès en ligne


1. Background -- 2.Objectives -- 3. Approach -- 4. Methodology and limits -- 5. What is the structure of organized crime? -- 6. Factors accounting for variations in the structure of organized crime -- 6.1. Formal organizational membership and trust -- 6.2. Personality -- 6.3. Financial and material resources -- 6.4. Violence -- 6.5. Technological competence and private protection capacities -- 6.6. Language skills, ethnic composition, and social embeddedness -- 6.7. Crime mobility, diversity, and continuity -- 6.8. Upperworld conditions and facilitators -- 6.9. Criminogenic opportunities -- 6.10. Target priority -- 7. Conclusion -- 8. Recommendations -- Appendix. Catalogue of factors.


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