Résultats de recherche du catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Critères de recherche


  • Recherches policières canadienne


"better estimation of police costs by offence types" OR "Crime, costs and performance measures" OR "Police performance metrics and calls for service" OR "complexity and costs in Canada" OR "baseline for policing research in Canada" OR "critical assessment of the September 2014 Fraser" OR "Efficiencies report : selected efficiencies, funding initiatives and best practices" OR "Canadian police board views on the use of police performance metrics" OR "Setting the stage for improved efficiency and effectiveness" OR "Measuring the effectiveness of Foot Patrol in the Downtown Yonge" OR "Economics of policing – an operational response to model analysis" OR "Risk-driven collaborative intervention : a preliminary impact assessment of Community Mobilization Prince Albert"

Titre Source Année
Crime, costs and performance measures / Paul Brantingham.
  • Recherche académique
Criminalité, coûts et mesures du rendement / Paul Brantingham.
  • Recherche académique
Economics of policing – an operational response to model analysis / John L. Haney.
  • Service de police
  • Document du gouvernement
  • Recherche académique
Mesures du rendement de la police et appels de service / Lynn Barr-Telford.
  • Document du gouvernement
Paramètres économiques des services de police - un modèle d’intervention opérationnelle / John L. Haney.
  • Service de police
  • Document du gouvernement
  • Recherche académique
Police performance metrics and calls for service / Lynn Barr-Telford.
  • Document du gouvernement
Aspects économiques des services de police : conditions de base de la recherche policière au Canada / Curt Taylor Griffiths ; avec l’aide de Joshua J. Murphy, Sandra R. Snow.
  • Recherche académique
A critical assessment of the September 2014 Fraser Institute report police and crime rates in Canada: a comparison of resources and outcomes / critical assessment by Thomas F. Phillips, L. Faith Ratchford.
  • Service de police
Economics of policing : baseline for policing research in Canada / Curt Taylor Griffiths ; with the assistance of Joshua J. Murphy, Sandra R. Snow.
  • Recherche académique
Economics of policing : baseline for policing research in Canada / Curt Taylor Griffiths, Ph.D. ; with the assistance of Joshua J. Murphy, Sandra R. Snow ; prepared for Community Safety and Countering Crime Branch, Public Safety Canada.
  • Document du gouvernement
  • Recherche académique
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