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Information systems on child sex offenders : a discussion paper / prepared by the Federal Ad hoc Interdepartmental Working Group on Information Systems on Child Sex Offenders, Health Canada, Justice Canada, and the Ministry of the Solicitor General.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Systèmes d'information sur les délinquants sexuels qui s'en prennent à des enfants : document de travail.



20 p. ; 28 cm.


Also published in French under title: Systèmes d'information sur les délinquants sexuels qui s'en prennent à des enfants : document de travail.
Available also in electronic format.


"Child sexual abuse is a pervasive problem for which various prevention measures are needed. Improving information systems, to detect potential child sex offenders seeking positions of trust with children is one such measure that is addressed in this paper"--Prelim.


Accès en ligne


1. Issue -- 2. Options to be considered -- 3. Background information on child sexual abuse -- 3.1. How widespread is the problem? -- 3.2. Impact of child abuse on victims -- 3.3. Legal elements of child sexual abuse -- 3.4. Profile of the offender -- 4. Recent recommendations on the use of a "National Register" -- 5. Information systems currently in place in Canada -- 5.1. Provincial registries -- 5.1.1. Nova Scotia -- 5.1.2. Manitoba -- 5.1.3. Ontario -- 5.2. Strengths of provincial / territorial information systems -- 5.3. Drawbacks of provincial / territorial information systems as the base for a national system -- 5.4. Federal information systems : Canada Police Information Centre (CPIC) -- 5.5. Community data bases -- 6. Issues related to the release of information to the public -- 7. Conclusions.


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