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Economic sectors vulnerable to organized crime [electronic resource] : commercial construction / by Thomas Gabor, John Kiedrowski, David Hicks, Michael Levi, Ronald Goldstock, Ronald Melchers and Evan Stregger ; prepared for Research and National Coordination, Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policing Branch, Public Safety Canada.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Secteurs économiques vulnérables au crime organisé : construction commerciale.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (48 p.)


Distributed by the Government of Canada Depository Services Program (Weekly checklist 2012-39).
"Report no. R-027".
Issued also in French under title: Secteurs économiques vulnérables au crime organisé : construction commerciale.


The focus of this report was to perform an in-depth study of the commercial-construction sector within two Canadian jurisdictions, specifically the prevalence of, and vulnerability to, infiltration by criminal organizations. The report included a description of the Canadian construction sector, a review of criminal investigations probing organized criminality in the sector, and a review of the scholarly and grey literature, to provide an international perspective on the relationship between commercial construction and organized crime. The focus of this study was on two Canadian provinces: British Columbia and Quebec.


Accès en ligne


1. Background -- 2. Objectives -- 3. Defining organized crime -- 4. Overview of the Canadian construction sector -- 4.1. Regulation of the commercial construction sector -- 4.2. The commercial construction Process -- 4.3. Regional reviews on the commercial construction -- 4.3.1. Vancouver, British Columbia -- 4.3.2. Construction unions in British Columbia -- 4.3.3. Montreal, Quebec -- 4.3.4. Construction unions in Quebec -- 5. Organized crime in the construction sector-- 5.1. Why the construction sector is vulnerable to organized criminality --
5.2. The prevalence of organized crime and construction -- 5.3. The nature or organized criminal activities in the construction sector -- 6. Assessment of the vulnerability of the commercial construction sector -- 6.1. Data sources -- 6.2. The political, economic, and regulatory context (macro-level analysis) -- 6.3. Vulnerabilities in the construction process (meso and micro-analysis) -- 6.4. The most vulnerable phases in the construction process -- 6.4.1. Procurement -- 6.4.2. Project management -- 6.4.3. Less vulnerable phases in the construction process -- 7. Conclusion and considerations for policy.

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