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Understudied organized crime offending [electronic resource] : a discussion of the Canadian situation in the international context / Ernesto U. Savona, Francesco Calderoni and Alessia Maria Remmerswaal ; prepared for Research and National Coordination, Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policing Branch, Public Safety Canada.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Les aspects peu étudiés du crime organisé : une discussion de la situation au Canada dans le contexte international.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (37 p.)


"Report No. 02[2], 2011."
Issued also in French under title: Les aspects peu étudiés du crime organisé : une discussion de la situation au Canada dans le contexte international.


This report provides an analysis of selected possible understudied organized crime activities present in the Canadian context, contributing to the knowledge on both of the nature and the scope of organized crime. The analysis involves an extensive review of the literature and available data on organized crime activities in Canada, and a discussion of the existing state of organized crime literature in the international context. The analysis is based on available literature, official reports and informed speculations.


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1. Introduction -- 2. Methodology -- 2.1. Operational definition of organized crime -- 2.2. Understudied organized crime activities -- 2.3. Data gathering and analysis -- 2.4. Limitations -- 3. Analysis of understudied organized crime activities -- 3.1. How organized crime groups spend their money -- 3.2. Environmental crime -- 3.2.1. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) smuggling -- 3.2.2. Illegal dumping -- 3.2.3. Radioactive waste smuggling -- 3.2.4. Electronic waste -- 3.3. Wildlife crime -- 3.3.1. Poaching and capturing endangered species -- 3.3.2. Illegal harvesting of timber, illegal gemstone and mineral mining -- 3.4. Organized crime infiltration in legitimate enterprises and markets -- 3.4.1. Organized crime infiltration in the renewable energy market -- 3.5. The counterfeiting of goods -- 3.6. Online gambling -- 4. Discussion -- 5. Conclusion -- 5.1. Recommendations for future research.

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