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Estimating the size of the Canadian illicit meth and MDMA markets [electronic resource] : a multi-method approach / by Martin Bouchard, Carlo Morselli, Owen Gallupe, Stephen Easton, Karine Descormiers, Mathilde Turcotte and Rémi Boivin ; prepared for Research and National Coordination Organized Crime Division Law Enforcement and Policing Branch Public Safety Canada.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Estimation de la taille des marchés illicites de la méthamphétamine et de la MDMA (ecstasy) au Canada : une approche à plusieurs méthodes.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (75 p.)


"Report No. 024, 2012."
Issued also in French under title: Estimation de la taille des marchés illicites de la méthamphétamine et de la MDMA (ecstasy) au Canada : une approche à plusieurs méthodes.
"February 2012"--p. [1].
Authors affiliated with: Simon Fraser University, University of Montreal.


This study addresses the lack of reliable estimates on the scope of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS: amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy/MDMA) production in Canada. Such a study allows for a thorough assessment of Canada’s role in global ATS production and exportation.


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1. Literature review -- 1.1. Patterns in ATS use in Canada -- 1.2. Patterns in ATS production in Canada and the US -- 2. Methods to estimate the size of illegal markets -- 2.1. Multiplier methods -- 2.2. Capture-recapture methods -- 2.3. Economic modeling methods -- 2.4. Composite synthetic estimation methods -- 2.5. Methods to estimate quantities of drugs -- 2.6. Data sources -- 3. Results -- 3.1. Estimating the number of ATS users in Canada -- 3.2. Capture-recapture results -- 3.3. Estimating the number of ATS dealers -- 3.4. Number of ATS labs -- 3.5. Estimating the number of ATS producers -- 3.6. Quantity of ATS production -- 3.7. Quantity of domestic ATS consumption -- 3.8. Quantity of ATS exported -- 4. Discussion and conclusion -- 5. Recommendations.

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