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2013-2014 report on the Beyond the Border Action Plan Horizontal Initiative.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


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Titre alternatif

Report on the Beyond the Border Action Plan Horizontal Initiative
Rapport de 2013-2014 sur l'initiative horizontale du plan d'action Par-delà la frontière.




Includes bibliographic references.


1 online resource (24 pages)


Issued also in French under the title: Rapport de 2013-2014 sur l'initiative horizontale du plan d'action Par-delà la frontière.


"The purpose of this report is to provide a Government of Canada-wide perspective on performance in the implementation of the Action Plan and to document the significant progress that has been made on BTB initiatives from the publication of the last Report to the end of the 2013-14 fiscal year (FY)."--Page 1.


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