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Sports-Based Crime Prevention Programs / Public Safety Canada.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Research Highlights : Sports-Based Crime Prevention Programs.
Programmes de prévention du crime axés sur le sport.






Includes bibliographic references, p. 13-15.


1 online resource (17 pages)


Issued also in French under title : Programmes de prévention du crime axés sur le sport.


Supervised sports have been used in many countries, as well as by the United Nations, as a programming strategy for addressing social issues, such as youth crime and substance abuse. Although there is wide variability in the way sports-based programs are implemented and structured, these programs generally aim to use sport, either as a means or complementary activity, to achieve youth development and prevent crime.Unfortunately, due to research limitations and a lack of standardization in terminology within this emerging field of study, general statements and conclusions on the effectiveness of these programs are difficult to make. The purpose of this document is to provide additional information on crime prevention using sports, including summaries of promising programs and initiatives both in Canada and internationally, the difference in implementation approaches across applications, and lessons learned.


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Research Highlights : Crime Prevention (Canada. Public Safety Canada) ; 2017-H03-CP.

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