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Women and violence : theory, risk, and treatment implications / Shauna Bottos.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque


Archives électroniques

Titre alternatif

Les femmes et la violence : théorie, risque et conséquences pour le traitement.



Includes bibliographic references (p. 32-39).


ii, 39 p. ; 28 cm.


"July 2007."
Also available in French under the title: Les femmes et la violence : théorie, risque et conséquences pour le traitement.
Available also in electronic format.


This report examines and evaluates the various theories accounting for violence by women. Low social and economic opportunity, gang affiliation, and physical and sexual abuse in the family of origin are significant contributors, Substance abuse, suicide attempts, personality pathology and attribution biases are risk factors. Many of these factors appear to be more predictive in women than in men. The notion that women's violence is only defensive is largely negated: it can be driven by a desire to injure, to control or dominate or to pay back. More than in men, it is likely to be motivated by economic or survival reasons, accumulated tension or perceived disrespect or jealousy. The only CSC program for violent women is specific to Aboriginal women; there is a clear need for a gender-specific program for non-Aboriginal offenders.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction. -- 2. Women and violence. -- 2.1. A snapshot of violent women in Canadian federal institutions. -- 2.2. Theory on women and violence. -- 2.2.1. The gender disparity in violent crime -- 2.2.2. Why are some women violent? -- 2.3. Theory on women and violence. -- 2.3.1. Environmental risk factors -- 2.3.2. Family level risk factors -- 2.3.3. Individual risk factors -- 2.4. Risk factors for violence committed by women. -- 2.5. Motives and circumstances surrounding women’s violence. -- 2.5.1. The Netherlands Emotion Control Therapy -- 2.5.2. Canadian corrections -- 2.6. Correctional programs for violent women. -- 3. Discussion. -- 3.1. Who and why? -- 3.2. A woman-centered approach to violent offender programming. -- 4. Conclusion.


Research Report (Canada. Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch) ; 2008, No. R-198.

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