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Research on existing approaches to raising offender awareness of the impact of their crimes on their victims.

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Titre alternatif

Étude sur les méthodes actuellement utilisées pour sensibiliser davantage les délinquants aux répercussions de leurs crimes sur leurs victimes.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (iv, 19 pages)


Available also in French under title: Étude sur les méthodes actuellement utilisées pour sensibiliser davantage les délinquants aux répercussions de leurs crimes sur leurs victimes.
This research report was prepared by the Department of Psychology and Forensic Psychology Research Centre of Carleton University, Ottawa. The research was completed pursuant to a Service Exchange Agreement between Carleton University and the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) and a final report was received on June 29th, 2012.


This report provides an overview of the research undertaken with a view to gaining a better understanding of how increasing offender awareness about how victims are impacted by crime fits within the criminal justice system.


Accès en ligne


LITERATURE REVIEW. -- INTRODUCTION. -- ORGANIZATION of LITERATURE REVIEW. -- LITERATURE REVIEW SEARCH PARAMETERS. -- SECTION I: THEORY AND MEASUREMENT. -- Models of Empathy. -- Marshall and Marshall’s (2011) model. -- Empathy models of offender change. -- Measuring Empathy. -- SECTION II: CORRECTIONAL APPLICATIONS. -- Empathy: Offenders vs. Non-offenders. -- Sex Offenders, Victim Empathy and the Prediction of Sexual Re-offending. -- Victim Empathy Treatment Targets and Reductions in Recidivism. -- Desistance and Reintegration. -- SECTION III: PAROLE APPLICATIONS and RESORTATIVE JUSTICE. -- Empathy, Parole and Victims. -- Restorative Justice. -- Does Restorative Justice Work? -- SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS.


Special report (Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch).

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